You ask me, how is the Malaysian politic today? Getting better or worst? I dont really have the real answer but i could put it like this: It is getting more interesting hahaha....
Honestly i felt that BN under PM Najib is slightly better than Tun Abdullah. No doubts Pak Lah (shall i address him as Tun Lah?) enter the PM office wiht high notes and confidence. With his nickname 'Mr Clean' he almost swept PKR from our political map, left PAS to cling to only one majority seat in Kelantan. But his performace start to deteroriate very fast into the drain soon after that. Is it got to do with 'budak-budak tingkat 4'? He failed badly in GE2008 and was asked to step down from the No 1 office by his own party members. During that time, Umno and BN are seen at their lowest moral and fighting spirit. Anwar even come out with a creative and 'crazy' idea of taking over the government at 16 Sept 2008.
After Najib taking over, seems that Umno and BN start to understand what are their mistakes and weaknesses. They start to focus on the real pertinent issue to the rakyat rather than bothering about projects and contracts. So far, they are doing quite ok eventhough there are a lot of room for improvement. One for sure is the abolishment of ISA, media control, Election, judiciary system etc. So far there is no major blunder or mistake by Najib other that taking over the State of Perak by luring the 3 Adun to jump ship.
I can say that Umno and BN start to understand their priority and they realise that they need to change for the betterment of their future. Masih banyak lagi yang boleh dibuat dan dibaiki tapi semuanya memerlukan kesungguhan dan masa untuk dilaksanakan.
How about the Oppositions? Like Umno and BN, some of them are excellence and good, but some are just a bunch of clowns in action.
So what is the trick for today O! Mr Clown? :-)
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